NihilisT's Lab

StatREC's Website

STA.IN.S Website

ChangeLog - Release Notes

You may track the impovements made to the programme from this file.



* Fixed a major bug that was introduced on Version, that only allowed clean installations to work corectly, whilst any updates resulted in a crash.

* Fixed a minor bug that could under certain circumstances, result in the failure of the automatic update.



* Fixed a bug that when R is not installed properly, or Registry Hives have been corrupted or are missing, the programme responses incoherently.

* Made it so that, when the Analysis button is pushed, both the Analysis form and the Main form are viewable (The former appears on the left upper corner, whilst the latter, on the right bottom corner).

* Fixed a bug that first appeared on the transition from v1.0 to the second major release. It prevented .RecC files from being directly loaded to the StatREC's Data Grid.

* Fixed minor bugs and strings.



* Added Links to STA.IN.S Website and StatREC's Website in STA.IN.S.

* Fixed a problem under which automatic update could not be completed successfully.

* Fixed a bug that caused the programme's restart to fail, closing the programme instead.

* Fixed some bugs.



[-- General --]

* Changed targeted .Net Framework from 4.0 to 4.5.

* The programme is now built from Visual Studio 2012.

* The Main form is no longer the one where one can perform analysis; in its place, now is a generic form where one has easy access to programme related features and settings, as well as to the analysis and other forms too.

* Implemented an automatic update system, so that the programme can always be up-to-date.

* Implemented a Skin-Creation form, so that anyone can easily create a new skin, or modify an existing one.

* Implemented a Suggestion and Complaint form so as to get feedback from users.

* The programme now has a command prompt which can be used to automate programme related features, to access any form, or as an advanced calculator.

* Reworked the Analysis form to make it bear more resemblance to other statistical software.


[-- Computation --]

The Following implementations were added to the programme:

* Mean Model Computation.

* Computation of Local Errors (MRE, MER, AR, RES, SQE, z-ratio, Over-Under-Estimation).

* Global Errors Computation (Mean, Median).


[-- Analysis --]

The Following implementations were added to the programme:

* Comparison with the Mean Model, along with its respective graphs.

* Comparison of Over/Under Estimations, along with its respective graphs.

* Factor Affecting Errors Distribution, along with its respective graphs.

* Partial Comparison of Prediction Models, along with its respective graphs.

* Bootstrap for Error Distribution, along with its respective graphs.

* Scott-Knott Algorithm for Multiple Comparisons, along with its respective graphs.

* Scott-Knott Algorithm for Factor Affecting Error Distribution, along with its respective graphs.



Version 1.0

This is the first Release (Stable Version).